Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)

NCM is "an 8th day ministry" which equips individuals to be fully restored to abundant life in Christ Jesus. The Eighth Day has been shown in scripture to symbolize God's eternal reign through Christ, in a new heaven and a new earth, with all mankind having had the opportunity to abide in Him, His death and resurrection; purifying them to be set apart in order to live now and forever as new creations in Christ Jesus by faith.

Who We Are
New Creations Ministries, Inc., (NCM), is a three-fold humanitarian outreach mission that rescues and restores hope to those hindered by past choices or circumstances. NCM offers Christ-centered ministrations to adults bound by self-destructive beliefs & behaviors who sincerely desire a brand-new life.
The organization champions individuals to break free from the bondages of deceptive beliefs that have opened doors to defeating behaviors. The purpose of the ministry is to equip the whole person (physical, emotional, and spiritual) through education, mentorship and training, giving the broken an opportunity to be made whole and to begin making healthy decisions in all areas of their life. NCM endues individuals with biblical truth and the tools necessary to continue making it new each day. Through its various services, NCM offers pastoral guidance, intensive discipleship, deliverance & healing, re-entry mentorship, life-skills training, community outreach and missionary service.
New Creations Ministries, Inc. is recognized as a not for profit corporation in good standing with the Ohio Secretary of State and is tax exempt per U.S. IRS Code Sec. 501(c)(3).

New Creations Ministries, Inc. (NCM) provides spiritual guidance, education and skills training through mentorship programming & intensive discipleship curricula to individuals and groups, and links to an online ministry school of the Spirit for continuing study. Click on the button below for additional details, or to book an appointment.

Outreach and service are not only key in contributing to community, but also essential to personal growth and spiritual maturation. New Creations Ministries, Inc. (NCM) partners with local, state and international organizations to serve the needy and restore the broken. Click on the button below to learn more.
Office Hours by Appointment
Info for Men: 614-306-1018
Info for Women: 407-271-9222
Mail To: P.O. Box 111, Etna, OH 43018