Individual Mentorship
One-on-one spiritual guidance, mentorship, and training...
Whether just beginning your journey, or wanting mentorship while you walk it out, New Creations offers personal training and counsel in making it new every day to establish and maintain freedom. Click on the button below to schedule a confidential appointment.

Training for your Group
Class-style instruction for equipping...
Are you interested in offering faith-based curricula to your program participants? Are you hoping to provide strategic discipleship to your team members? Are you wanting to better equip your leadership for helping those bound by defeating and life-controlling behaviors? Are you eager to train upcoming pastors in the necessities of true identity, spiritual warfare and deliverance? If so, please click on the button below to contact the staff at New Creations Ministries, Inc. for information on how we can be of assistance to your organization.

Online School Of the Spirit
Welcome to the Eternal Library...
Maybe you are interested in self-directed study, either online or through correspondence courses. If so, please click on the button below to be taken to the Eternal Library website. Eternal Library is your online home for teachings, prayers, videos, and subject matter that helps bring truth and light to the areas of deception and darkness in our lives. Throughout the site you will find information that is mind altering, and life changing. “You can’t fight what you can’t see,” and Eternal Library help you to see beyond the physical into the spiritual. Eternal Library was created and established to be a resource for those seeking truth, and seeking it to the fullest.